Friday, November 13, 2009

And the winner is....

     No longer the Bridesmaid, Travis French has finally broken through to the top on the day when it mattered most!  Accumulating a total of $130,499.30 to post the largest margin of victory to date in the game ($9669.15).  Now that he has the big target on his back, will he continue to surge ahead?  Will Activision give him the boost that he needs?  Will Nick, Jolynn, or Emily come back next week?  Will any of the bottom feeders make a big jump up to the top?

      On a different note, in the stock market golf game, Sean Farrel had what seemed to be an insurmountable lead going into Thursday's crucial competition, but Brando--the undisputed warrior of the depths--showed he still has what it takes to keep his title!  Up by several thousand dollars, Brandon saw his net value plummet until he finally settled $5200 below his nearest competitor.  Wow, now that's performance under pressure!


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