Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Another funny song, but how does Tim Hawkins use humor to point out what makes certain economic (and social!) decisions undesirable?


  1. Hawkins makes the song funny and insulting. His humor might drive certain people away from having goals like working at a fast food restaurant for the rest of their lives. It proves that makin minimum wage won't get you far in life especially as the economy continues to get worse. He mentions in the song he doesn't have a car, money to pay for a date, and he still lives with his parents when he's an adult. I know this song would give me no desire to see SUBWAY written in my future plans.

  2. I have to agree with Jessica for how Hawkins makes the song funny and insulting at the same time. Working at a fast food restaurant is a good job to have if you need money to pay for little expenses or just to have money to spend (other then your parents:) But as a full time only paying job it wont really get you far. Unless you have excellent saving skills, or a rich husband! It goes to show that price of things are rising due to the economic times, and that poor chose’s in life’s can leave you with nothing. Not everyone can end up like this person in the song living at home, no many to pay for dates, being an adult if you use (Spend & Save) your money wisely. it’s a decimation in some way to those who word their but are able to work to pay their normal bills including rent and other essentials.
    Choose a suck life, work a suck job!


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